There were 530 members of the 7 Marathons Club® as of Feburary 6, 2025, comprising 397 men and 133 women.

The Club is unique, reserved for athletes who have run a marathon within the Antarctic Circle on the Antarctica continent, as well as on the other six continents. See The 7 Marathons Club Rules & Definitions. Membership is not conditional on paying a membership fee and it is the definitive and official list of people who have completed marathons on all 7 continents.

The Antarctic Ice Marathon and the Antarctica Intercontinental Marathon (part of the World Marathon Challenge) are two official marathon events within the Antarctic Circle on mainland Antarctica. The Ice Marathon is also the southernmost marathon on earth. Both races are full member of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) and recognized by Guinness World Records and the Book of Alternative Records for record setting purposes.

New members of the Club will receive a club medal, OR, if completing 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days at the World Marathon Challenge, will receive an Intercontinental Marathon Club medal.

In addition to the 7 continents, if you complete the North Pole Marathon, you'll join The Marathon Grand Slam Club®️ and will receive a Marathon Grand Slam Club medal.

Members of The 7 Marathons Club (Men)

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of 297 items.
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James Alderson
Lee Alexander
Louis Alexander
Ibrar Ali
Luis Allen
Jose Alvarez, Jr.
Marcelo Alves
Anand Anantharaman
Nick Appell
John Armbrust
Sebastian Armenault
Marcin Aslanowicz
Richard Atkins
Stefan Aumann
Glen Avery
Clifton Baccus
Michael Baer
Moritz Baier-Lentz
Delbert Baker
Hassan Baraka
Matthew Barnett
Brad Beall
Daniel Beck
Dennis Beggs
Erik Benrud
Justin Berutich
Arunjut Bhalla
Kunal Bhardwaj
Dawei Bian
Steve Birnie
Jared Blank
Havard Bo
Grzegorz (Greg) Bogunia
Frank Bollnow
Harry Botha
Michael Bowling
Paul Box
Larry Bradley
Andrew Brooks
Matt Buck
Richard Buell
Christopher Bullock
Corey Burton
Joel Butler
Carl Byington
Patrick Cande
Luiz Candido
Jun Cao
Alberto Cardenas
Doug Carrell
Daniel Cartica
JP Caudill
Patrick Charlebois
Tommy Chen
Penbin Chen
Cheng Chen
Wai Hung Paul Cheung
Krishna Prasad Chigurupati
Wing Keung Chik
Clive Choate
Howard Choi
Kevin Cochrane
Scott Coey
Joshua Cohen
Mark Collins
Roger Comish
Jeff Conine
Victor Consunji
Robert Conway
Mark Cooper
Denis Cormican
Chris Cotteleer
Jason Cousins
John Craven
Michael Crome
Lars Crusius
Miles Cudmore
Derk Cullinan
Damien Cunningham
Mirek Cydzik
Henri Alain d'Andria
James Danaher
Christoph Dankert
Nirmal Das
Scot Davis
Matt Dean
Aydin Demirchi
Gafar Demirchi
Tom Dilrew
Duc Do
Michael Dolan
Richard Donovan
David Duarte
Dave Dudek
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Members of The 7 Marathons Club (WoMen)

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Showing 133 results
of 133 items.
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Meriem Achab Zekri
Georgina Acons
Abisoye Adekanmbi
Chiara Adin
Demelza Alderson
Sarah Ames
Natalie Arnold
Amanda Barlow
Norma Bastidas
Sara Bennett
Gurmeet Bhalla
Yunren Bolortuya
Heather Brien
Emer Buckley
LaBecca Buselli
Silvana Camelio
Deb Carneol
Heather Carr
Janine Canham
Linda Carrier
Pushpa Chandra
Carol Chang
Gina Chapman-Davies
Yvonne Elizabeth Chee
Jennifer Cheung
Uma Devi Chigurupati
Angela Chong
Amy Clove
Janet Cody
Laurie Copeland
Maria Correia
Varsha Das
Gulzhamal DeFelice
Renee DeMarsh
Menchie Dizon
Eleanor Dorran
Dawn Doucette
Emma Clair Dumont
Louise Edwards
Catherine Emerson
Xiaoyan Fan
Rebecca Frechette
Nancy Freeman
Johanna Garvin*
Stephanie Gicquel
Susannah Gill
Lise Gronsker
Wenjuan Gu
Huiwen Hao
Heather Hawkins
Xiangyu He
Nahila Hernandez
Anneta Hunt
Adriana Istrate
Jill Jamieson
Inez Janiak
Kelly-Ann Jenkins
Jessica Jones
Sinead Kane
Deirdre Keane
Alicia Kletter
Sarah Lacina
Beata Larson
Gloria Lau
Frederique Laurent
Carrie Lavigne
Vivian Lee
Celene Loo
Kristina Schou Madsen
Jackie Mall
Keri Mandell
Adjoa Mantey
Sha Mao
Stevie Matthews
Suzanne McKeen
Kelly Allen McLay
Joanna Medras
Nontu Mgabhi
Agata Mikolajczyk
Rebecca Mitchell
Cara Nelson
Lauren Neuschel
Meghan Newcomer
Lisa Norton-Motulsky
Fiona Oakes
Sarah Oliphant
Sally Orange
GiGi Van Ostrand
Roxie Paine
Shirley Parry
Stefanie Pettersson
Karime Pinera
Becca Pizzi
Linda Quirk
Eleanor Pienaar
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Members of The 7 Half-Marathons Club (Men)

Tianyi Ni
Thomas Gamblin
Ning Chen
Cyril Wong
Jeff Nance
Braxton Lee
Carter Cavett
Thomas Taut
Filip Vabrousek
Byron Ball
Jeremie Gicquel
Brian Cronin
Ashok Arora

Members of The 7 Half-Marathons Club (Women)

Lauren Cavett
Elaine Du
Ludivana Budano Ferrer
Katrin Fleischer
Sandra Johnson
Julie LaForge
Maryanne Lee
Mengfei Liu
Ying Liu
Megan Murphy
Brandi Myers
Mona Lisa Pinkney
Sarah Reinertsen
Ginny Turner
Li Xu
Suzi Williams Zellers
Xin Zhen

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